Tuesday, December 19, 2006

SQl Server 2005 vs. Oracle 10g White Paper

As i have promised, At my company, CompuPharaohs (CPS), we have made up the two parts comparison into a PDF white paper.

To download it, please follow the following steps:

1-Copy and paste the following address at your address bar of your browser:


2- when prompt for username and password please type them as follows:
UserName : PdfDownloader
Password: Pdf@pdf@pdf

3 - Download the file named SQLvsOracle.pdf

You can freely download it

With complement of Ahmed Bahaa, and CompuPharaohs (CPS)


Anonymous said...

I am currently doing a feasibility study on migration between the two vendors and I find your conclusions to be very accurate with what I am finding after investigating a lot of the claims made by each company. I wanted to download the pdf but I was unable to log on and get it using the credentials you provided. Maybe you can help. Very nice work by the way.

ashraf awad said...

I wanted to download the pdf but I was unable to log on and get it using the credentials you provided.

ashraf awad said...

I wanted to download the pdf but I was unable to log on and get it using the credentials you provided